We will join the upcoming Czech trade delegation to Taiwan and we will present our hydrogen projects at the Czech booth at Smart City EXPO in Tapei. Our main goal is to engage in B2B negotiations and discussions with Taiwanese partners.

16. 12. 2022
FOR H2ENERGY s.r.o. was financing the hydrogen for the bus ride.
11 / 2022
Czechia Posts English
GasNet plans to connect the first hydrogen production plant "H2 Triangle" to its gas network

We attended the two-day international konference "H2Forum 2022 – An Opportunity for Transformatio" which focused on the potential for hydrogen to transform coal regions.

29. 9. 2022
We are proud members of the HYTEP platform
We are an active member of the Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform.
4. 8. 2022
European Clean Hydrogen Alliance Member
We´re proud to be a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance.
7 / 2022
Czechia Posts English
Governor Schiller: Hydrogen is the raw material of the future

We will buy land in the Triangle zone for the construction of a hydrogen economy.
We were honored to participate on the event to support cross-border cooperation in the field of hydrogen technology integration.
We organized hydrogen tour to Germany for our business partners!